06 December 2011

Toll-Mafia Committee urges CP for Honest

JAKARTA - Golkar Party politician, urged the association Yoris Raweyai content provider (CP) to talk honestly about the indications of theft pulse, which is done by entrepreneurs in the program CP Ring Back Tones (RBT).

Member of Commission I, also urged that the Association express honestly to the Working Committee (Panja) Theft of Toll by the Commission I on indications theft by employers CP pulse.

"I have complete data. I believe there is a game, whether we should use expression through legal institutions if your friends want to associate content providers do not disclose it," said Yoris Public Hearings Meeting with Association of CP, the Commission I, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/06/2011).

Yoris also understand that the Content Provider is a for-profit business organization of the RBT service. However, although the word Yoris result in profitable trades for the sake of, in ways that had been done by the Content Provider company has hurt consumer. Because the consumer is often forced to use the services provided by the content provider.

"The trade should be profitable but do not rob," said Yoris.

Meanwhile, according to Chairman of the Indonesian Mobile & Online Content ProviderIMOCA admitted that since 2007 it had smelled an indication of one of the rogue content providers and consumer credit theft.

"IMOCA've smelled this indication since 2007," said Chairman of the IMOCA, the commission Haryawirasma I.

However, it can not groundless action against rogue corporate parties is because they are only associations and do not have the authority to crack down on these employers.

"IMOCA, only the association can not crack down," he explained.

Association of Content Providers are urged to continue to uncover the truth about the toll-game theft. I even said commission of the many companies which exceeded 400 content provider company that follows is only tens of CV content provider associations.

Some of the content provider associations who attended the meeting with the Committee Theft Toll RDPU Commission I is Imma, AKDI, IMOCA, Asiri and Gaperindo.


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