19 December 2011

Blog Award Winner Session 32 - BRONZE

Healthy Internet team has selected two winners for the category BRONZE blogs Health Blogs & Internet Content Award (ISBA) 2011. Did you win?

Healthy Internet team has selected two winners of the weekly Internet blogs Health Blogs & Content Award (ISBA) 2011. After making the process of verification and assessment, together we deliver the following blog is worth and are entitled to an award ISBA 2011 for the BRONZE category this week, Saturday (17/12/2011):


Who likes twilight and wild mountains, low-budget travel, culinary tourism, lovers of the waterfall (waterfall) must visit this blog. Blogs that berlamatkan http://aliyamuafa.wordpress.com offers enjoyment in the streets from the viewpoint of the author, Aliya Mu'afa. Graphic designer who also is finishing this thesis seems to be incomplete if it does not share their experiences through writing travellingnya poured in a blog.

Want to see the fun in traveling? Consider just writing in every article that dipostingnya. Such "Karimun Java - Java Struggle towards the Caribbean waters," "Body Rafting Trip Green Valley - Citumang", "Cibang-cibung in the Asri Pari Island," "Back to Bali" and many more interesting articles that can make the reader glance at the calendar and the contents of your wallet to find the appropriate schedule and budget in order to travel to places where the author tells.

Not only travellingnya story, this blog also provides the natural beauty of Indonesia in beautiful shots-shots blog owner. If you are interested in traveling with the owner of the blog just click next trip on his blog. Travellicious, Because traveling is delicious, right?


Healthy is expensive, a phrase that has been thoroughly tested and sometimes many of us ignore the healthy sense of self. Prosperous state of body, soul and social life which allow each person socially and economically productive, that's healthy. Indeed, being healthy is not easy.

The patterns of life must be maintained. We must also be smart to find information about health itself so as not to get stuck with the environmental conditions that force us to overlook the little things but in fact important.

Well, one of the blogs that discuss thoroughly the science and health tips is Our Health Info. This blog contains a collection of articles that discuss health information and health tips and disease information that may be contained in the environment around us. It must be vigilant, but should not panic or ignore.

For example: "Do not underestimate Tingling", one article that discusses the symptoms of the disorder on nerve function or blood flow, what to do when experiencing this and what to watch out for when experiencing it.

There are also articles about children's health such as: "Hyperactive Child" which reveals the signs and factors that cause children to become hyperactive, or the article "Measles and Immunization" which describes the symptoms that arise in patients with measles and handling.

Although not a deep peel, but the information and health tips are available on this blog is very useful to broaden our horizons and awareness of the importance of our health and families.

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