Researchers from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, said it has to know the perpetrators of theft of personal data in Facebook. They claim the latest method that can steal information from Facebook was named Socialbots.
Socialbots is a computer program that mimics the look of the original Facebook profile. Typically users who have many members in his friend list have a greater chance for compromised profiles are fake profiles. The number of internet crime that uses Socialbots increases, other than that the tool is also sold online at a price of USD 29.
Regarding the results of this research, an official Facebook says that action researchers excessive and violated ethics.
For the sake of this research, the researchers created a number of 102 socialbots and 1 'botmaster' charged with sending commands to other bots. They employ these bots for 8 weeks and managed to obtain a 3055 friendship of a total of 8750 friend requests are sent.
Facebook said the experiment was not realistic because it uses the IP address of a trusted university, while the IP address used by criminals in the real world will surely turn on the alarm.
"We have a number of systems designed with the aim of detecting and preventing fraudulent account information leakage. Update of this system continuously we do to make more effective and able to ward off new attacks," said a spokesman for Facebook, as reported by the BBC on Monday (07/11/2011).
With the development of cyberspace, it seems that users must always be alert to the possibilities of crime via the internet.
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