09 November 2011

This man's ex-girlfriend Naked Photo Spread on the Internet

Due to be decided by her boyfriend hurt, this guy photo spread of women who are now ex-girlfriend to a number of social networking sites. Consequently, he should be in jail for 4 months.

This incident happened to a woman named Ruth Jeffreyes, who did not suspect a number of photos uploaded his personal sexual nature to a number of social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Tumblr and Google Picasa. Ironically, the upload is Shane Webber, who was none other than her ex-boyfriend.

Launched by the Daily Mail, Wednesday (11/02/2011), not only that Webber also send as many as 50 photos intimate Jeffreys to adult sites. Jeffreys topless photos were also sent to hundreds of contacts Jeffreys. The goal, of course embarrass Jeffreys in front of parents, family and friends.

Of course because of him, the man from Nottingham, England, was reported to the police. The appropriate authorities immediately arrested him. After passing the trial, Webber was given four months in prison by Southampton Magistrates court.

Judge Anthony Callaway Webber said that the act violates a person's privacy. Webber was also ordered not to repeat his actions again and contacted Jeffrey banned for 5 years.


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