20 November 2011

Seagate Hard Disk Drive Production Will Not Recover

Seagate, one of the largest companies in the world in the production of production of hard disk drives (HDDs), predicting the recovery process will be difficult to supply the HDD. HDD production rate of new possibilities will come back as the pre-flood Thailand in late 2012 that will come.

As reported by TomsHardware, Sunday (11/20/2011), Seagate Chief Executive Officer Stephen J. Luczo said, that the opinion of Wall Street analysts about the recovery of HDD production in the summer to come is something unreasonable. Especially with the current conditions, approximately 130 suppliers Seagate still submerged in water as high as 1 meter.

"It will take more time than what one might expect, at least until the end of 2012," he said. "And until then, demand has been growing."

Floods in Thailand is currently producing infrastructure affects approximately 40 percent of world supply HDD sold by Seagate, Western Digital, and Toshiba. It also raises the price of the HDD to 20 percent of the normal price. Reportedly, the HDD industry production this quarter only approximately 50 million HDDs of the total target of 180 million HDDs.

"Paying attention to who gets the HDD and not obtain it would be a very interesting thing," said Luczo.

"People will appreciate how complex this business," he added.

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