Latest Windows-based smartphones Nokia will use Qualcomm processors. And reportedly, Qualcomm will not only be a supplier of chips for mobile phones, the two worked together on the design of the handset.
President of Qualcomm CDMA Technologies in Europe, Enrico Salvatori said they are currently working on a roadmap with Nokia, and not just for one device and one launch.
"This is an important collaboration for Qualcomm, we are very excited to be working. This is effective for developing mobile market because we were together. This is a successful development," said Salvatori, as quoted from Cellular-news, Monday (14/11 / 2011).
Lumia 800, the first Windows phones Nokia, are known to use Qualcomm's single-core processors. In fact, today most mobile phone vendors to switch to dual-core processors, even some of them plan to use quad-core chips for their smartphones.
Qualcomm itself is now providing dual-core processors. The chip company also continues to work on quad-core Snapdragon chip 28nm S4 which had been previously announced. These chips mentioned will increase the speed up to 2.5 GHz.
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