18 November 2011

Is Creativity Nazieb Violate Copyrights?

Creativity is the most valuable asset anyone could ever have, but, of course, every creative act must hand in hand with respect for the work of others.

A bloggger Indonesia, Ainun Nazieb, create a blog themes 'Smells Like Facebook,' and now face similar problems due to their blogs with the look of Facebook. This fad is creativity Ainun. Themes to the attention of his friends so Ainun also distribute 'Smells Like Facebook' to those who request it.

Is this a violation of copyright?

"It's about creativity he (Ainun), but not in the creativity of design. Creativity he was about coding and templates. Whether his motives about business or not, it (themes Ainun) can still be considered a violation of copyright," explained Donny BU Social media observers of ICT Watch, when contacted Legal, Friday (11/18/2011).

This copyright issue is sensitive and should be respected by fellow players creative. There are certain ethics and rules that apply in the matter of creativity. But does not everyone understand the rules and ethics of this.

Regarding this issue, Donny believes, "First we must find out whether it's bloggers understand about copyright rules. We have to know it first before declaring violation of ethics. Violating the rules that previously had known. Second, why was he up to abuse? This problem is not just a private matter only. This means the PR for all bloggers to remind each other. "

"Socialization further (on the ethics of bloggers) is necessary, but do not let us focus on copyright alone because it can be abused and make people so stingy science. The spirit of bloggers were sharing, we share knowledge via the Internet. So we must also respect the copyright still willing to share, "he added.

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