10 November 2011

Apple release the "Update" Battery Repair in IOS 5

Finally, Appple released an update to fix the problem borosnya battery that many users complain about Apple's devices with IOS 5.0.

Previously, Apple has received many complaints from iPhone users who mengelukan their iPhone battery, which uses IOS 5, very wasteful, not in accordance with the promise of Apple, which said could last for 200 hours in stand-by mode. Party Apple also has recognized there is a problem in battery performance and promised to issue a bug fix for this.

Currently improvements to battery problems Apple is already included in the IOS 5.0.1 and is available for download via iTunes.

In addition to load the IOS 5.0.1 fixes the problem is the battery, there are also other updates, such as additional gesture for iPad multitasking first generation, fixes for bugs in the Document Cloud, improved voice recognition performance, and a few updates for increased security.

The Apple does not disclose in detail what caused the battery borosnya on IOS 5.0, but many people believe these problems arise because of a bug in the time zone setting.

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